The Power of Transformative Coaching Conversations (09.12.19 – 18:30)
07 November 2019 | < 1 min read

Cologne Meetup event, 09.12.2019, 18:30 – 20:00
Welcome to this Transformative Coaching Conversation!
In this event we will continue to explore together what it means to be really ourselves in life and work and the amazing things that we can do from this place.
My role as a transformative coach is to show you the way. Help you look inside you to see more of what is possible.
It will be the same overall theme but each time a new exploration. The inspiration of the moment is different in each session, the questions coming from the participants as well. The subject is so vast and can be seen from so many different angles. Let yourself be surprised each time as if it was the first time.
You can bring any topic of life or work that you would like to explore with me and the group. The focus of the conversation may be different each time but you will be able to learn from all the exchanges that we have together if you are open to it.
In each 90 minutes group meeting we will talk about how you can do anything and face any issue that you may encounter in life and at work from a place of inner clarity and peace of mind or just with more grace when there is no peace yet and we cannot see clearly.
We will work at the edge of psychology and spirituality. The objective is not to accumulate knowledge but to see what we see. Transforming through insights.
My background is a master in Clinical Psychology, 9 years of a Corporate HR career and an experience of Executive, Transformative and Corporate Coaching since 2007.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
Sign up for the Event here:

Written by Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.
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