19-23 May 2025, Provence, France



Pause Redefine Restart

A Transformative Retreat

for Conscious Leaders

Welcome to an extraordinary journey of personal growth where cutting-edge psychology and ancient knowledge come together to help you reach your next level of leadership excellence:

  1. Learn How The Mind Works. Come and gain a deeper appreciation of the intricate workings of the human mind and its potential. Learn from cutting-edge psychology and timeless wisdom. Expand your consciousness. Reflect on the functioning of the mind. Understand how insight-based change works. Learn to see and hear beyond the noise. Get to understand the ego and learn to lead powerfully without letting it control you.
  2. Pause, Reflect, Redefine, Restart: Take a conscious break from the intensity of your work and mental habits. Sink into a deep exploration of the mind. Get clarity on your burning questions and leave behind what you no longer need. Reset and reconnect with your inner place of clarity, grounding and innate resilience. Tap into your inner power so you continue to inspire others as a leader and human being without burning out your resources.
  3. Expand as a Human Being and a Leader: Reconnect with yourself at a deeper level and strengthen your core. Unveil a leader within you who is not only wiser and even more grounded but also radiates strength and authentic presence regardless of the challenges. It is not only about leadership; it is about leading at a next level of consciousness, with a depth of humanity, wisdom and impact. 

This is not another leadership training, and certainly not a well-being retreat or a holiday. It is an intense, immersive and transformative personal and leadership development experience that will boost you personally and redefine how you lead so that you continue to have high success without compromising your life, leadership impact, and who you are.

Self-leadership and inner work are superpowers. Come as you are. This retreat will bring a mental upgrade and an inner transformation that will positively impact how you lead yourself, others and the business.

This unusual leadership programme is like a crash course in human literacy, it will open your eyes to a new way of being and redefine your leadership impact from the inside out. You will embark on a fascinating journey of a lifetime and start seeing and understanding more and more of your inside and outside world.  

Are you ready? 

Leading and living

from wisdom

Reconnecting with the essence of who you are is the fastest way to unleash the innate potential for success, wisdom, and well-being you have within you regardless of the circumstances.

This retreat is about being. Who you are matters. Your natural leadership, wisdom, health, creativity and clarity matter if you want to be the best leader and human being you can be also in challenging times.

You are not your past, personality, mental habits, or ideas about yourself. Neither are you at the mercy of your environment. You are way more than that. So are the people around you.

Understanding the human mind's psychological potential is a gift that will enhance your leadership and life by bringing more ease, clarity, emotional intelligence, impact, and a greater sense of fulfillment into everything you do.

There is a depth of your being and a power of your mind ready to be seen, understood, and activated. Seeing that in you will help you see that in others. Your actions and interactions will then come with a different quality.

This Leadership Retreat guides you through an innovative approach that combines modern psychology with ancient wisdom and will make all the difference to your role and life.

I look forward to guiding you on this path!

Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth


What is waiting For you

Immerse yourself in 4 days of Learning, Insights and Growth

Embrace Your Humanness

Be bold. Look. See. Feel. Understand. Learn. Open Your Mind and your Heart. Find Peace. Grow. Strengthen Your Core. Feel The New And Authentic You. You Are Ready To Shine Bright. 


Be present. Sense Stillness. Listen. Awaken To What Wants To Emerge. Get Clarity. Unlock Purpose And Potential. Unfold your Creativity And Intuition. Connect With Your Vision. 


Increase Your Reach From The Inside Out. Take Action. Wise And Strong. Do What You Are Meant To Do. Do it Your Way. With Presence And Grounding.

The Programme:

  • Inspirational teaching sessions: Embark on a captivating exploration of the profound principles of the mind. These unconventional sessions open a mental space for insights and deep personal learning.
  • Journaling and Introspection: Seize moments of introspection, self-reflection and heightened awareness to expand your consciousness and open your mind to new possibilities.
  • Eye-opening exercises to challenge your thinking and awaken your wisdom so you can get insights into new ways of being and leading.
  • Transformative Leadership Conversations: These are tailored to integrate your newfound knowledge into your life and leadership. Those sessions bridge theory and practice, ensuring your learning becomes tangible in your daily experiences for maximum impact.

The Group Setting:

  • Small group - maximum 7 participants.
  • Learning retreat for experienced leaders.
  • Trustful peer-to-peer exchange.
  • Secluded space.

Extra Learning Bonus:

  • An exclusive reading and listening list.
  • 90-minute online group follow-up session.
  • Two coaching sessions (one on-site and one follow-up)

The Schedule:

  • We start May 19th at 16:30 with an introduction and a get-to-know-each-other session.
  • The retreat ends Thursday, May 22nd, at 18.00, then a dinner outside.
  • Check-out is May 23rd, at 10 a.m. at the latest.

The retreat is a very special learning experience that opens up space for powerful leadership insights and personal growth.


Hi, I'm Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth, a Psychologist, a Leadership and Organisational Coach, and the Owner of DSH Transformative.

I started studying psychology 36 years ago and have always been fascinated by all the facets of the human experience, our ability to change, and the wisdom we carry.

In the past 27 years, I have accompanied thousands of leaders and their teams in their development, individually and collectively, first in HR and then as a Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations.

In all these years, personal, collective and business wonders have happened before my eyes. I know profound transformation is possible. This gives meaning and purpose to my work.

I work with heart, knowledge and intuition. And in addition to an extensive training in classical systemic coaching, I bring decades of corporate experience and a profound psychological and spiritual understanding to my work that makes all the difference.

My life experience also shapes my approach at a deep human level. I have personally walked a hopeful path of transformation and know what it feels like. I am honoured and grateful to be able to accompany you on this unique growth journey.

On the way to yourself and what you want to reach

Le Moulin de Gontrand


Le Moulin de Gontrand is an exquisite place near Gordes, a medieval town between Avignon and Marseille in France. 
This beautiful old stone house has lovely bedrooms, a living room where we will be working together, a huge garden and an eco-friendly swimming pool. There are gorgeous and very quiet bedrooms in the house upstairs. There will be no price difference between the rooms, just a first come first served principle.

What is included?


  • The Retreat Programme including including group on-site and off-site programm
  • Your accommodation (a single room en-suite for 4 nights)
  • The exclusive use of the location (the house, the garden and the pool)
  • Your meals (full board) with a Chef who cooks specially for us

What is not included:

  • Your travel expenses.
  • One dinner outside the house, wines and other alcoholic beverages.
  • Your contribution to the excursion to the Abbaye or Gordes.
  • Local tourist taxes

What Clients Say

Holistic and Deep

"The location and the group of participants were very nice - a beautiful secluded country house in Provence, with participants from different companies and of various nationalities.

We all came with a similar wish to explore and learn topics around self-leadership, stress management & effectiveness in leadership. Dealing with our triggers, fears, and behavioural patterns was one of the topics we addressed, as well as expanding our perception of life beyond our rational thinking to get a more holistic understanding of situations, ourselves, and our interactions with others. The conversations were very personal and very profound. 

Drissia knows how to create a gentle, kind atmosphere that enables open and honest conversations in a safe environment. Above all, her positivity is contagious. So, I came back home not only with good intentions but also with the realization that this new knowledge will inevitably continue to bring long-lasting personal change, and all I have to do is continue to open up to it.

I can recommend this experience to anyone willing to grow personally and learn deeply and holistically. But I think Drissia would also be able to reach anyone who is very rational and has not yet discovered the power of their own intuition and wisdom.


Never as powerful as that

"Nothing has changed in my surroundings, however, my perception of life has changed.

I used to feel so overwhelmed every time some negative things happened. I used to blame my circumstances a lot and be triggered and very reactive. Now, I wake up in the morning thinking about the learning from the retreat, and feel calm and energized despite the challenges I am facing currently. I let my wisdom guide me.

I did not know I had this power within me. I have definitely grown in my inner strength, and I trust that everything will work out very well in the end, both in my private and professional life. 

It was not an intellectual learning, but a learning of the heart. 

Drissia helped me release as well really old sorrow and fears, which have caused a lot of insecurity and lack of self-confidence throughout my life. I started to see where it came from and realized it is not mine, I felt free.

And I met an amazing group of people who inspired me during this leadership retreat and with whom I felt a heart connection and an absolute sense of belonging I had never felt before.

Thank you Drissia, for everything. I have done lots of learning programs before but never something as powerful as that. "


Inspiration and Enlightenment

"Drissia’s retreat "Insight Leadership" I would describe as an inspiration and enlightenment on my journey to what really matters in terms of leadership (of myself and the teams) and an important reflection point to get closer to what makes me… me. I had the privilege to work in 1:1 with Drissia in a couple of professional coaching sessions prior to the retreat, so the core beliefs were not completely new to me, the preparation materials were well-picked and the intense time at the retreat helped me a lot to link the dots to a more holistic view on leadership and also my personal growth.

Drissia’s spirit and her authentic way to share her knowledge, her support and wisdom, is impressive and of course THE heart of the retreat. Being part of a small group in a very inspirational setting, made the retreat even more powerful and enriching. Overall, I can say that the retreat brought so many AHA-effects and clarity that I am deeply grateful for this experience and the lasting impact: It helped me to gain more clarity and to find a wiser way of interacting in some heated and triggering situations. Also, it inspired me to spot good ways as a leader to share my insights and pass them on to my team and peers.

Thank you to Drissia and the retreat-Cohort May 2024🙌!"


A Profound Impact on Me

"Thank you again Drissia, for your outstanding leadership and the thoughtful, attentive and valuable support you provided throughout the retreat. Your presence, guidance and dedication truly made a profound impact on me."



"The „Insight Leadership“ retreat brought me both confirmation and reassurance, as well as valuable new, sometimes surprising, insights. The cohort was well picked so we could work individually and collectively in a trustful environment and benefit from each other (in a fabulous venue). Drissia’s capacity to look deeper and take us on the journey to our individual wisdom is unique and instrumental for further progress on personal and professional level. It really brought a previously unknown level of clarity to me."


A New Lightness in Me

“I had the pleasure of enjoying intensive coaching with Drissia, which brought me realisations about myself and the way I approach my family and work. Drissia’s kind and warm heart always guided me back to the question of what was happening inside of me, to my inner wisdom. She showed me how I can rely on it. 

There is wisdom inside us all. As leaders of international teams this is a common denominator regardless of our backgrounds, nationality or experiences. Simply trusting myself and ourselves brings serenity, awareness and more clarity to my work and personal life.

Thank you, Drissia, for this wonderful start of a journey where I feel a new lightness in me. I wish you Drissia a good continuation with people to whom you can give your love and professional guidance to. Merci”


“And in this game of life, we all search for ourselves. When I say selves, I mean inner selves, the thing that created life in the first place. Now consciously, most of us are not aware of this. But if you’re searching for happiness; if you’re searching for tranquillity; if you’re searching just to have a nice, peaceful, loving, understanding life… in actual fact, you're searching for your inner self.” Sydney Banks

Frequently Asked Questions

HOW DO I GET TO THE VENUE? You can fly to Marseille or take the train to Avignon and then a taxi for about an hour to the venue. We can also put you in contact with other participants if you want to share a car or a taxi. 

WHAT IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE RETREAT? The primary language of the retreat is English.

HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM INDIVIDUAL COACHING WITH YOU? This collective and immersive in-person learning program outside your daily life will accelerate and strengthen your insights and inner clarity. It also works well when combined with individual coaching sessions before and after the retreat. They complement each other nicely.

WHAT ABOUT PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY? The Retreat unfolds in a tranquil and secluded setting. Your privacy and the sacred nature of our work together are key elements of the program. The testimonials are anonymus and no photographs will be taken during our sessions, allowing you to immerse yourself in the experience without concern.