#14_Gordon Gerrard, Conductor and Music Director, the Regina Symphony Orchestra, Canada.
25 September 2019 | < 1 min read

Gordon Gerrard is Conductor and Music Director of the Regina Symphony Orchestra in Canada.
He shares with a lot of sensitivity how he understands his role but also his relationship to the music, the musicians and the orchestra. Calling it “cooperative leadership”. He talks about the importance of intuition, of sensing and being present. How important it is to feel when to step in and when to get out of the way, when to do more and when to do less. I could hear in our conversation how much humility it requires to get the best out of each concert.
But he explains that his director role is also there to build a bridge between different worlds, between the artistic and the administrative roles, between his operational and his strategic responsibilities, between the program and the public. Being able to read the temperature in the room and some kind of psychological understanding are key in order to keep everybody moving in the same direction. And much more.
Enjoy this change of perspective and let yourself be inspired!
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Written by Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.
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