I Am Present
17 October 2020 | 2 min read

Today I would like to share with you something I heard this morning. Something that touched me deeply.
It is a guided meditation, a poem, a mantra, or whatever you want it to be. You can use it as you need. Whenever you need it. I love the sound and the breath of it. The simplicity of the message. Its profoundness, and the understanding it points to. The Knowing behind it.
And the calm energy I felt inside while listening and writing my interpretation of it this morning.
It points to something in us that is deeper than the emotional waves of our human experience. Something that looks through the waves. That has the depth of the ocean and beyond. It is a state of wide-awakeness that embraces everything. It is comforting and generous.
Sit down or walk with it. Take the time to feel each and every word, every sentence. Read it slowly or not, loud or not, and as often as you like, with or without your eyes closed, with or without a meditation ritual.
It is always there anyway. Available to us all the time. When we look in that direction.
Please take it, in any way you like. Enjoy it. Explore for yourself. The experience is yours:
“I am present in everything I see. Nothing is visible without me.
I am present in everything I hear. There is nothing to be heard without me.
I am present in everything I touch. There is nothing tangible without me.
I am present in everything I taste. Nothing has a taste without me.
I am present in everything I smell. Nothing has an odor without me.
I am present in everything I think. There is no mind without me.
I am present everywhere. Nothing can be without me.
Sit in the awareness. Be present to presence.
This presence is the real you.”
Freely interpreted from a meditation by Deepak Chopra
With Love, Drissia
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Written by Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth
Transformative Coach for Leaders, Teams and Organisations with a fascination for the endless potential of the mind.
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